Skills required
Evaluating Event Planning Leading Project Management Volunteer Engagement
  • Work remotely
  • Flexible in schedule
  • Good for youth

Director of Events

6 hours / weekly

Please apply directly through this Google Form:
Or, apply by clicking the "Apply Now" button on the left of your screen. 

For more information about this role and about us, please visit our website:

Information about this role:

We are recruiting a Director of Events, who will lead a small team of youth to plan, organize, and executive public-facing engagements. FYM’s Events Team hosts public-facing webinars once every two months. We shed light on mental health struggles from a youth perspective, and we address social justice topics (e.g., housing insecurity, LGBTQ+ rights, responsible leadership) using an evidence-based approach and with nuance. 

As the Director of Events, your role is to support Events Team volunteers in their daily tasks. You will take the lead in scheduling, organizing, and facilitating weekly meetings, when general volunteers brainstorm events, share progress updates, and receive feedback on their work. In-between meetings, Events Team volunteers learn to conduct research and synthesize information into easily comprehensible discussions. They may require mentorship to complete these tasks, in which case they will share their challenges with you. Events Team members enjoy the opportunity to participate in workshops, which cover topics like academic integrity, research skills, and equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). At times, Directors will be asked to write, facilitate, or debrief on these workshops, depending on their personal skillsets and interests.

As a team Director, you will work closely with FYM’s executive leadership. You are responsible for attending monthly meetings with other FYM directors and providing updates on your team’s progress. You should regularly check in with Events Team members, gauge their needs, and bring asks for support to the executive leadership as necessary. You may connect with other team leads, with the potential of initiating cross-team collaboration. Please recognize that this role description is not a comprehensive list of everything the Director of Events is meant to oversee — this is a framework, which may change over time, and as the needs of the Events Team evolve.

Recommended skills:

The Director of Events role is complex. A volunteer successful in this role will show solid communication and leadership skills, a keen motivation to be creative and take risks, and show personal initiative. A strong research background or experience with handling academic, public, and other sources of information is highly recommended. 

Estimated Time Commitment: 6 hours per week.
Why should you volunteer for this opportunity?
All volunteers are provided with detailed personalized references from relevant leadership upon request as well as verification of hours volunteered.
Skills required
Evaluating Event Planning Leading Project Management Volunteer Engagement
  • Remote or online
  • Flexible in schedule
  • Good for youth