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Stats Stack Up!

Published: May 4, 2021 @ 1:14 PM

Want to see how we compare to the latest data released from Statistics Canada from 2018?

Younger people most likely to volunteer? Same!

  • People under 35 make up 52% of our traffic.

Millennial and Baby Boomer women had higher rates of volunteering than men within the same generations – Totally

  • 63% of our users are female!

Event organization and fundraising most common types of formal volunteering – Um, what?

  • Our most popular types of formal volunteering are in marketing and pr, tutoring and mentoring, and admin.

People are really into informal volunteering – Yeah, of course!

  • People love to find informal volunteer opportunities on the Connector. They are spreading acts of kindness, cheer, and taking the time to do small things for each other and the planet. The role “Messages of Cheer” was viewed 24,000 times in just a couple of months!

Young people love disseminating information? YUP!

  • Just like roles in Marketing and PR are popular, spreading info, advocating and being formal or informal ambassadors are all pretty popular opportunities. Most postings are filled within 2 weeks or less!