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Ready? Set? Go! Ahem. Go! Umm… Go? - Guest Blog (1 of 3)

Published: Jun 22, 2022 @ 7:58 AM

I believe that people genuinely want to help others, and I also know that we humans like instant gratification. Sometimes volunteering can be a quick and straightforward process and other times it takes some work and some patience. If you’ve been interested in volunteering but are feeling stuck and overwhelmed, here are some steps to take for you to get started, really get started as a volunteer!

STEP 1 – Get Ready. Be reflective and inquisitive with yourself.

What are you most passionate about? Consider the causes that matter to you (be specific) and pick your top three. Google is your friend - research organizations in your area that do the work that you’re passionate about.

How this helps: There are endless great causes and opportunities to volunteer – it’s important to give this some careful thought because it not only narrows down your search but also will connect you to an area that really matters to you, you will be far more likely to be really engaged and fulfilled in your volunteer work.

What kind of volunteer work would you like to do? Are you a front line/hands-on kind of person or more behind the scenes? Do you work best in a group or are you better on your own?

How this helps: If you know where you are at your best, you’re already set up to succeed. For example, in my case, I am passionate about helping animals but know that I do not have the fortitude required to see an animal suffering, so I can’t be the volunteer who rescues animals, but I am great at marketing or fundraising events for animal rescue organizations.

Amanda Sokol from

Part 1 of 3 ... to be continued ...